
Government Sanskrit College

Solan, H.P. INDIA



Government Sanskrit College Solan is the Oldest premier Government College of HP which was established by then Raja of Baghat Riyasat Sh. Durga Singh in 1929 AD. At that time the college was known as "Tarini Sanskrit Pathshala". The College was associated with the Punjab University Lahour up to 1947. After independence write from 1947 to 1971 the College was affiliated with Punjab University Chandigarh. In 1971 after the establishment of Himachal Pradesh University at Shimla the college got affiliated with this university Earlier in 1962 this college was a Post- Graduate College having PG classes of Acharyas. In 1999 Himachal Pradesh Government upgrade this college from Sanskrit Pathshala to full-fledged Sanskrit College along with other four Sanskrit Colleges of the State. This College has recognized under session 2(F) & 12 (B) of the UGC Az 1956 on dated 07 th May, 2010. Now the Colleges enjoying its 2(1) & 12 (B) status and seeking for the f precious NAAC approval with immediate effect.

Our Vision


To develop the personality of every student studying in this college and making the students responsible and the thoughtful . Our vision is to make the students mature citizens of the country.

Our Mission


To widen the horizon of the students to lighten up their minds with quality , value-aided ,career oriented education. Our mission is to ensure the fullest utilization of students potentials so that they can be able to complete himself in the era of new thoughts and technology, we also ensure that our students will serve the humanity in a better way.